


Contact the artist at:

Illustrations from Robert Schumann's Scenes from Childhood Series 1991 by Nathan Krämer
1. About Strange Lands and People 18" x 24"   $525
2. Curious Story 18" x 24" $475
3. Catch Me If You Can 18" X 20" $450
4. Entreating Child 18" X 24"    $525
5. Contentedness 18" x 24" SOLD
6. Important Event 18" X 24" NFS
7. Dreaming 18" X 18" SOLD
8. By the Fireside 18" X 20"  $450
9. The Knight of the Hobby Horse 18" X 24" $475
10. Almost too Serious  10" X 24" $450
11. Frightening 18" X 24" SOLD
12. Child Falling Asleep   10" X 24"    $450
13. The Poet Speaks     18" X 20"   $450
