The Hotel Pattee is a historic themed hotel in Perry, Iowa. This award winning historic property includes themed rooms, fine dining, a bowling alley, and spa services.
1112 Willis Ave. Perry, IA
(515) 465-3511
Iowa, hotel, restaurant
by Nathan Krämer
on 10/5/2009
by Nathan Krämer
on 10/3/2009
Quote of the Day
You know that the best kind of organic certificaiton would be? Make an unannounced visit to a farm and take a good long look at the farmer's bookshelf. Because what you're feeding your emotions and thoughts is what this is really all about. The way I produce a chicken is an extension of my worldview. You can learn more about that by seeing what's sitting on my bookshelf than having me fill out a whole bunch of forms.
Virginian sustantable farmer Joel Salatin quoted by Author Michael Pollan in his book The Omnivore's Dilemma. Page 132.
by Nathan Krämer
on 10/1/2009
Virgil Fox plays Bach's Gigue Fugue
Virgil Fox (born Princeton, Illinois May 3, 1912– died Palm Beach, Florida October 25, 1980) was an American organist, known especially for his flamboyant "Heavy Organ" concerts of the music of Bach. These events appealed to audiences in the 1970s who were more familiar with rock 'n' roll music and were staged complete with light shows. His many recordings made on the RCA Victor and Capitol labels, mostly in the 1950s and 1960s, have been remastered and re-released on compact disc in recent years. They continue to be widely available in mainstream music stores.
This 1905 Philadelphia Toboggan Company Carousel was moved to Burlington from Denver in 1925. It has been a Fixture of the county fair grounds ever since. In 1976, work began to resort the band organ and carousel. Today, it is one of the primer antique carousels in the nation.