"When the President does it, that means it is not illegal." Richard M. Nixon
Quote of the Day,
Nixon, Video
by Nathan Krämer
on 11/11/2009
Quote of the Day
From a letter to Julia Child written by cookbook editor, Dorothy de Santillana, after a the first publisher's rejection of her cookbook, Mastering the art of French Cooking.
They feel she (the American cook) wants 'shortcuts to something equivalent' instead of the perfect process to the absolute.
You know that the best kind of organic certificaiton would be? Make an unannounced visit to a farm and take a good long look at the farmer's bookshelf. Because what you're feeding your emotions and thoughts is what this is really all about. The way I produce a chicken is an extension of my worldview. You can learn more about that by seeing what's sitting on my bookshelf than having me fill out a whole bunch of forms.
Virginian sustantable farmer Joel Salatin quoted by Author Michael Pollan in his book The Omnivore's Dilemma. Page 132.
We hold in our hands the hope of the world
and the fate of the coming years.
Shame and disgrace will be ours,
if in our eyes,
the light of high resolve is dimmed
and if we trail in the dust
the golden hopes of men.
Theodore Roosevelt
Address at Carnegie Hall
March 30, 1912