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plants . . .
    . . . are good things!
It's hard to remember every plant we have or would like to have. That's why we keep lists.  Our plant lists content information about our tries at growing, general information on the plant and photographs.
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Lists of Plants
      There are over 200 species of plants cultivated in our gardens. To learn more about any of these either find the plant in the list above, search for a plant in the box to the left or clock on one of the categories or locations in the left column.
      Each plant listed will show a picture, and our notes about that plant.   When possible, we include the Latin botanical name, a short descriptions, and planting notes.
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macrophylla Bailmer (ENDLESS SUMMER®)
Endless Summer® will begin to bloom in spring and repeat through fall. This extremely cold hardy shrub will spice up any garden with the large mophead flowers. Endless Summer blooms on old wood and current season growth, assuring every season will produce a spectacular show. Endless Summer are hard to keep blue.
They need a strong, acidic fertilizer, like Miracle Gro Acid Gro, coffee grounds, horse manure and peat moss. But the key is aluminum sulfate, on top of all that other stuff. Mix epsom salt with water and apply about every two weeks.
Fall 2005. Ordered from Wayside. Plant in rose bed. (Died)
2006 Bought two from No-Frills $19.97
2007 Bought three from Bomgaards $29.99
Oak Tree Bed
Bedding Plants
Hypoestes (Red splash)

Planted in west bed 2004
Bedding Plants
Hypoestes (White Splash)

Planted in front bed 2004
Bedding Plants
Hypoestes (pink splash)
Known for the bright pink spots which covered their dark green foliage. A number of hybrids with bright red or white spotting can be found. Also know as The Polka Dot
Planted in front bed 2001, 2002, 2003 2005

balsaminaceae (Super Elfin)

Planted in the "George Grube" container along with, Bonfire and Camo Begonias.
Bedding Plants
Impatiens - Cajun Red

Impatiens are one of South Africa's most popular bedding plants. In addition to using them for bedding and in containers, they work beautifully in window boxes, baskets and raised planters. With their stunning flower power Impatiens are just the thing to brighten up a shady bed.
Red Impatiens under Maple Tree 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Bulbs & Tubers

Started with 1 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden [Bloom 2003 & 2008] MAY BE LOST
Bulbs & Tubers

All white, slight ruffle on standard and falls. Yellow beard. Large, blossoms, tall stem.
West Fence, Driveway bed. from Nancy Summer 2005 [Bloom 2008, 2010]
Bulbs & Tubers

German Bearded, Siberian, & Alpine varieties
See Iris Page

Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Beverly Sills
Beverly Sills
Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden Moved to the east side of the fence bed 2005 [Only one- plant Bloom 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2008]
West Bed
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Burgundy Wine
(Burgundy Wine)

Photo in afternoon sunlight.
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Butter Cup
(Butter Cup)
Light yellow. Ruffled standard and falls. Whiteness on falls. Yellow Beard
East Bed, moved to Fence bed 2005 established prior to 2000
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Cameo Wine
Cameo Wine

Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden Gave away in 2004 [Bloom 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2008]
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Christian Dian
Christian Dian
Deep Purple with velvety falls
Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden
Moved to the West side of the fence bed 2005. Will remove in 2010
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Colorado Sunshine
Colorado Sunshine

East side of fence
From Mildred & Paul Knodel, Denver Colorado in 2008
Fence Bed East
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Country Custom
Country Custom
Yelllow, with slight lightness to falls. Orange Beard, Ruffled standard and falls. Compact blossems on stem.
Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden Moved to West House Bed (north window area) in 2004

Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Frank Adams
Frank Adams
A classic - hardy, with very vigorous growth. Now after 60+ years it is widespread across the country.
From Cooley's Gardens catalog for 1940: A tall and very well proportioned large new iris with rosy tan standards and rosy red falls. Produced by E.G. Lapham, of Elkhart Indiana. Flowers, stalk and foliage are of unusually large size.
From National Iris Garden's catalog for 1942: "Golden-bronze and red. Closed standards of golden-bronze; velvety, down-falling falls of medium rose-red, with veining on gold ground conspicuous at haft. Large flowers on good stalks.

Iris, Grape Kool-Aid
(Grape Kool-Aid)
Smells like Grape Kool-Aid.
established prior to 2000 Moved to a special bed in the west yard summer of 2009.
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Helen K. Armstrong
Helen K. Armstrong
Lavender & purple falls
Lavender & purple falls from Nancy Summer 2005
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Hilo Shore
Hilo Shore
Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden
Moved to the east side of the fence bed 2005
Fence Bed West

© Copyright Nathan Krämer 2010