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    . . . are good things!
It's hard to remember every plant we have or would like to have. That's why we keep lists.  Our plant lists content information about our tries at growing, general information on the plant and photographs.
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Lists of Plants
      There are over 200 species of plants cultivated in our gardens. To learn more about any of these either find the plant in the list above, search for a plant in the box to the left or clock on one of the categories or locations in the left column.
      Each plant listed will show a picture, and our notes about that plant.   When possible, we include the Latin botanical name, a short descriptions, and planting notes.
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Tree & Shrub
Golden Rain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata
Zones 5 to 9, 30 to 40 feet High and spread, Bloom Time in August - September, Full sun (only), Dry to medium moisture, cold hardy seed sources are required in the Midwest to avoid winter injury when temperatures drop below -10° F. Golden raintree also endures restricted soil spaces, and soil compaction. The fruit is a light, dry capsule, often described as resembling a Chinese lantern. Fruit is quite conspicuous and hangs on for more than a year adding winter interest.
Started fall 2005 East of Back Patio Area Ordered from Sooner Plant Farm, Park Hill, Oklahoma
Golden Sage
salvia officinalis icterina
Can be used in any recipe calling for sage. Fresh leaves make an attractive garnish for roast chicken or turkey. Flower color blue. Rarely blooms.

Golden Thyme
'Archer's Gold' Tymus citriodorus

planted under the cedar tree in the stump patio in 2006 www.Stepables.com
Herb Bed
Solidago (Little Lemon)
compact, typically growing to only 14” tall and to 18” wide

Fence Bed West
Gramma Grass
Bouteloua gracilis (Side Oats)
One of the most important native range grasses is Blue Grama. It is a long-lived, warm season, short grass that is considered to be one of the most palatable grasses available. Blue Grama is a sod forming, fine textured grass that grows 8 to 12 inches tall on the range. The foliage is grayish green curling to gray or straw yellow. Blue Grama has a good tolerance to low temperatures, alkali soils and is extremely drought resistant. Under moisture stress the foliage goes dormant. It greens up quickly when the moisture is received.

Wish List
Bulbs & Tubers
Grape hyacinth

from Julie 2005. Planted in south side of west bed. Moved to maple tree bed spring 2006
House Plants
Grapefruit Trees

Grapefruit Trees

Fruits & Vegetables

Grape Arbor Link
Green Santolina
Santolina virens
Perennial - Shrubby growth with finely textured, deep green foliage and yellow, buttonlike flowers. Use in knot gardens and as a edging. Plant in full sun. Grows 24-30" tall.

Herb Bed
Tree & Shrub
Green Spruce

July 2005
Bedding Plants
Hardy English Primrose

Shade, spring flowering Pacific Giant polyantha hybrids created from cowslip (Primula veris) and English primrose. Immune to summer heat, these are less than a foot in height. On short, stiff stems, three-inch-wide striking blossoms are in various colors.

Wish List
Hardy Pampas Grass
Saccharum ravennae
Ravenna grass, native to the Mediterranean and Africa, makes a great alternative to traditional pampas grass. It has a large, bold silhouette, showy flower spikes, and is even hardier than Pampas grass, down to -10° F. During warm weather it quickly forms a 5 foot clump of 1 inch wide, medium green leaves. In the summer, 12 to 14 foot flower spikes develop, and shimmering creamy silver plumes appear in August and September. Clumps can be sheared back in early spring. This adaptable grass thrives in both cold climates and the intense heat of low deserts, although it requires long warm summers for flower development.
Purchased from Fall 2005 from Siffring Landscaping
Grass Bed
Tree & Shrub
Harry Lauder's Walking Stick
Corylus avellana (Corkscrew Filbert)
This shrub reaches a height of 8'-10', with a similar spread. The flowers are yellowish-brown "catkins," as on pussy willows. The blooms appear in early to middle spring. The shrub is grown primarily its unusual branching pattern, which is indicated by its other common names: corkscrew filbert and contorted hazelnut. 

Wish List
Hart's Tongue Fern
Phyllitis scolopendrium
A very common fern which is unmistakable, having a broad undivided leaf with stripes of sori (spore-producing areas) underneath. Partial shade to full shade.
Planted fall 2005 Wayside Gardens catalogue
Fern Bed
Cannabis sativa (Marijuana)
Grows wild.

Herb Bed
Hen & Chicks
Sempervivum tectorum
Especially useful for the rock garden and other tight spots. Old-time perennial but always interesting.
Started from Neighbor Dorothy in 2005 in Grass bed

Hens and Chicks

Planted in a terracotta pot by garage

(seed from Mary Mellenbruch -- Rich Hill, Missouri) Planted summer of 2005 in west fence bed.
Tree & Shrub
Holly Bush

Planted February of 2003 from Margaret Barlow

Transplanted from Julie and planted on west side of west fence. LOST, Later restared on East side of Garage.

© Copyright Nathan Krämer 2010