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plants . . .
    . . . are good things!
It's hard to remember every plant we have or would like to have. That's why we keep lists.  Our plant lists content information about our tries at growing, general information on the plant and photographs.
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Lists of Plants
      There are over 200 species of plants cultivated in our gardens. To learn more about any of these either find the plant in the list above, search for a plant in the box to the left or clock on one of the categories or locations in the left column.
      Each plant listed will show a picture, and our notes about that plant.   When possible, we include the Latin botanical name, a short descriptions, and planting notes.
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Fruits & Vegetables

Vegetable Bed
Bulbs & Tubers
Oriental Lilies
A cross between the Korean speciosum lily and the Japanese auratum lily, Oriental Lilies are fragrant and beautiful in perennial gardens and cut flower arrangements.

Ornamental Millet, 'Purple Majesty'

2007 - New Glazed pot in front of garage.
Ostrich Plume Fern
Matteuccia struthiopteris

Started some from Liz & John in 2003 on North side of house. Add more in 2004 from Nancy & Gene. Moved ferns to north side of Garage spring 2005.
Fern Bed
(Japanese Spurge)
Excellent in masses under heavy shade trees. Dense, lustrous evergreen, trailing vine-type of ground cover. White flowers in spring. Planted 6" apart, it will give a pleasing effect immediately and in two year’s time provide a solid ground cover. Good in any soil. Very hardy.

Wish List
Pasque Flower
Pulsatilla vulgaris
In the spring, the Pasque Flower is densely covered with white silky hairs that look like an old mans beard. The plant has a short stem with flowers that are cup shaped and 2 to 2 1/2 inches in size. The flowers have 5 to 8 pointed lavender sepals that resemble petals. Underneath the sepals it is very silky. As the plant matures the stem elongates to about 14". The flower grows heavy and droops downward. The Pasque Flower is just as beautiful in seed, as it is in bloom.
Pasque_seeds.jpg width=
2005 in west fence bed (next to wood shed)  From Julie
Fence Bed West
Annual Seeds
Passion Flower
Passiflora incarnata
Transplanted from Julie, summer 2005. Planted by cloths line.
Peach-leaved Bellflower
Campanula 'persicifolia'

From Nancy
Behind shed.

Peonies are perennial favorites in the flower garden. Their exquisite, large blossoms, often fragrant, make excellent cut flowers and the foliage provides a background for annuals or other perennials.
Established before 2000 next to patio
See Peonie Page
Fruits & Vegetables

Vegetable Bed
Bedding Plants
Persian Shield
Strobilanthes dyerianus
Simmering purple leaves. Full Sun to partial shade
2005 in container box behind the root cellar bulkhead
Bedding Plants

Petunias are one of the best summer flowering annuals for massed display in beds, pots and hanging baskets. The color range is huge, with varieties available in every color except orange. You can expect blooms throughout the summer and into autumn if faded flowers are removed regularly.

House Plants
Philodendron Xanadu

Fern Bed
Pineapple Sage
salvia elegans
While pineapple sage does have a pineappley fragrance, its only real use in cooking is as a fresh edible flower. The flowers are reminiscent of honeysuckle and make a colorful addition to salads, fruit cocktails or any garnish. Their vibrant red color complements many dishes particularly attractive with yellow or green bell peppers. Flowers can be sugared and used to garnish cakes or cookie platters. Great plant for attracting hummingbirds to the garden. Flower color: bright red. Tubular shape.

Pinks -- Cheddar Pinks
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch'
A profusion of fragrant flowers and blue-green foliage make a beautiful display in the hummingbird or rock garden, at garden's edge or as a small scale ground cover. Full Sun, well-drained.
Purchased 2005 West Bed.
West Bed
Plume Fern
Liliaceae Asparagus densiflorus
Purchased from Farmers' Market 2005
Not in 2008
Fern Bed
Bedding Plants
Poppies, oriental

Wish List
Annual Seeds
Poppies, oriental

Wish List
Poppy Mallow
Callirhoe involucrata
Heat-loving, spreading perennial with showy, 2 to 3 inch wide red-purple flowers that bloom in summer. Trailing habit makes this an excellent ground cover or rock garden plant. Easy and durable plant. Plant in full sun for best growth and flowering. Grows well in both cold and hot, dry areas. Hardy in zone 4a. Grows 6 to 12 inches high and 1 to 3 feet wide. Keep soil moist until completely established. Drought tolerant when established. Little prunning is needed.

Wish List
Porcupine Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus'
'Strictus', commonly known as porcupine grass, is noted for its horizontally banded foliage and upright, columnar habit in which the erect leaf blades purportedly resemble porcupine quills. It typically grows in an upright clump to 5-6' tall with the flower plumes raising total overall height to 8-9' tall. Features medium green leaves variegated with yellow horizontal bands. Foliage fades to tan after frost. Tiny reddish-bronze flowers appear in tassel-like inflorescences which rise well above the foliage in late summer, gradually turning into silvery plumes in fall. Flower plumes persist well into winter providing good winter interest.
Purchased from Fall 2005 from Siffring Landscaping
Grass Bed

© Copyright Nathan Krämer 2010