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plants . . .
    . . . are good things!
It's hard to remember every plant we have or would like to have. That's why we keep lists.  Our plant lists content information about our tries at growing, general information on the plant and photographs.
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Lists of Plants
      There are over 200 species of plants cultivated in our gardens. To learn more about any of these either find the plant in the list above, search for a plant in the box to the left or clock on one of the categories or locations in the left column.
      Each plant listed will show a picture, and our notes about that plant.   When possible, we include the Latin botanical name, a short descriptions, and planting notes.
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Italian Parsley
petroselenium crispum cv.
Commonly used as a garnish, the edible sprig is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, several B vitamins, calcium and iron. Due to its high chlorophyll content, it’s a natural breath freshener.

Herb Bed
House Plants

Tree & Shrub
Japanese Lilac

(Standard -- one stock)
Wish List
Tree & Shrub
Japanese Maple Tree
Acer palmatum var. dissectum (Emerald Lace)

More about Japanese Maples

Wish List
Japanese Painted Fern
Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum'
Fronds flushed with gray, green with red highlights, very hardy and colorful, a must-have shade plant.
Purchased from No-Frills Grocery fall 2004
Fern Bed
Japanese Red Blood Grass
Imperata Cylindrica 'Red Baron'
Narrow, spectacular glowing red blades, turning an even more intense red during fall.
From Blair Garden Center summer 2005, planted in driveway bed.
Joe Pye Weed

Wish List
Annual Seeds
Johnny Jump-Ups

Wish List
Annual Seeds
Joseph's Coat
Alternanthera (Gail's Choice)

Back Deck Containers 2008
Tree & Shrub
Korean Fir

Wish List
Korean Rock Fern
Helecho de Roca Coreano
Started 2008

Fern Bed
Lady Fern
Athyrium filix-femina

Planted in 2005 in fern bed
Fern Bed
Lamb's Ears
Stachys byzantina
Large whitish wooly leaves are attractive all season. The plants can be grown in full sun but will tolerate semi-shade. Lamb's ears needs well drained soils for best performance. The plants should be divided every few years to reduce crowding.
Planted in west bed 2005.
Add some to Orange bed from Julie Spring 2005
Moved behind shed in 2007.
Fruits & Vegetables

Wish List
Lemon Balm
melissa officinalis
Lemon scented with a hint of mint, leaves can be used whole or chopped in a variety of dishes, including salads, marinades, vegetables, lamb, and shellfish. Lemon balm can also be used to make a delicious tea. Flower are yellow or white clusters.

Herb Bed
Lemon Mint


Likes shade & wet
can get from Nancy
Wish List
Tree & Shrub
Syringa vulgaris L
a shrub (Syringa vulgaris) of the olive family. Has cordate ovate leaves and large panicles of fragrant pink-purple or white flowers.
Lilac Page
Established before 2000
Bulbs & Tubers
Lily of the Valley

Planted spring 2005 in fern bed by garage. From Kathy
Fern Bed
Bedding Plants
Eustoma (yew-STOW-mah)

Vegetable Bed

© Copyright Nathan Krämer 2010