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    . . . are good things!
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Lists of Plants
      There are over 200 species of plants cultivated in our gardens. To learn more about any of these either find the plant in the list above, search for a plant in the box to the left or clock on one of the categories or locations in the left column.
      Each plant listed will show a picture, and our notes about that plant.   When possible, we include the Latin botanical name, a short descriptions, and planting notes.
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Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Hindenburg
Hindenburg (Circus Peanut Orange)
Persimmon apricot-orange self; tangerine-orange beard Hybridized by Schreiner and introduces in 1969 Early Bloom, about 35" high Might be Iris Hindenburg Historical Iris (Maryott '83) Heavily ruffled orange; huge orange beards
From Jane & Milt
Orange Bed
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Holy Night
Holy Night
Solid velvety deep violet purple crown, falls and beard
(K. Mohr 1983) TB RE Ruffled.
Started with 1 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden
Divided into two and moved to both sides of the fence bed 2005

Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Kansas Kid
Kansas Kid

Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden. Moved to the east side of the fence bed 2005.
MOVE to Southeast house corner in 2010.
Fence Bed East
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Lavender Speckle
(Lavender Speckle)
It is not Loop the Loop (Schreiner's 1975) The standards are almost full purple unlike the white plicata blooms of the Loop the Loop.
from Nancy [Bloom 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2008] It is not Loop the Loop (Schreiner's 1975) The standards are almost full purple unlike the white plicata blooms of the Loop the Loop.
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Louisiana Beardless

Started 2001 from Linda Jorgensen Moved to the north end of the fence bed 2005 Bloomed 2002-2008 Original came from Lozin O'Hanlon of Blair (Mrs. Phillip O'Hanlon) then to Mrs. Grace Money, then to Grace's daughter Linda MONEY Jorgensen about 1972.
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Ola Kala
Ola Kala
Developed by Nebraska Jake Sass in 1942. Was a Dykes Medal winner in 1948.
Started with 3 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Orchid Pink
(Orchid Pink)

Need to Move. Mixed in with Colorado Sunshine in 2010
Fence Bed East
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Peach
Peach, very ruffled.
from Nancy [Bloom 2002, 2003 & 2008]
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Pink

Reddish purple with striping
West Fence Line -- marked from Nancy Summer 2005
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Purple Loop
(Purple Loop)

Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Ruffled Lavender
(Ruffled Lavender)

Driveway Bed
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Short/Early

Yellow & Purple

Moved to the north end of the fence bed 2005 Bloomed 2003, 2004 & 2005

Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Siberian

Started 2001 From George Grube, via Nancy Moved to the west side of the fence bed 2005 Bloomed 2002-2008
Fence Bed East
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Snow Mound
(Snow Mound)
(Schreiner's 1976) M 36"
Absolutely pure white standards and crimson-violet falls; a fine line of white around the falls creates the appearance of a halo.
Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden [Bloom 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008]
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Supreme Sultan
Supreme Sultan

Started with 1 in 2001 Shady Acres Iris Garden Moved to the east side of the fence bed 2005. Moved to Northwest Corner of House, 2010

Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Variegated
Iris Pallida - 'Aurea Variegata'
Variegated Iris. Blooms early summer. Has boldly striped green and creamy yellow leaves, more yellow than "Variegata', and fragrant lavender flowers. Plants are disease resistant and remain evergreen in milder climates.
Purchased from 2007 Spring Affair - Lincoln -- Bluebird Nursery. Started in West Bed.
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Wabash
Developed by: M. Williamson, 1936 Tall Bearded 40-inches M W3D
Listed as a new iris in the 1938 Cooley's Gardens catalog.  With clean white standards and bright purple falls with white veins and thin white edges, no ruffle,
(Dorothy Dietz X Cantabile), HM 1937, AM 1938, Dykes Medal 1940.
Note: The variety Bright Hour is often passed around as Wabash. Wabash follage is tinged with faint purple at the base of the fans, most visible in the spring, 'Bright Hour' has no purple whatsoever.
Started with 2 in 2001 from Shady Acres Iris Garden Moved to West House Bed (south window area) in 2004 Moved to Oak Tree Bed, 2009
Oak Tree Bed
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Wild Alpine

From Custer State Park South Dakota 2001
Divided and moved to West House Bed (north front corner) in 2004 and to the north end of the fence bed 2005. 2006 Moved to corner of West bed. [Bloomed 2003, 2004, 2007 & 2008.
Fence Bed West
Bulbs & Tubers
Iris, Yellow with Veins

Yellow with veins on falls
West Fence Line -- marked from Nancy Summer 2005 [Bloom 2008]
Italian Oregano
origanum x majoricum
A cross of oregano and marjoram. Blends well with basil and tarragon. Flower color is pink.

Herb Bed

© Copyright Nathan Krämer 2010