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landscaping.jpg (51289 bytes)accessories . . .
    . . . are fun things that don't grow.

Whether it's benches, fences, fountains, or landscape mountains, it's great to have obstacles in a garden to give definition to the space..

Halquist Stone
Concrete Boarders 



Tree Bench

Inspired by the vintage park settings, this tree bench was built in the spring of 2010.

Das Spitzhäuschen
Miniature German
Half-timber house  -- built 2005.

Compost Bins
Built three modular compost
bins in 2002

Bubbling Fountain
Installed fall 2004 in fern bed next to garage.

Solar Dehydrator
built by George Grube

The Neighbor's Bench

In 2006 we placed a rustic,  log bench on the stump patio.

Potting Bench

Outdoor bench with water
 faucet and hose reel -- built 2005.


Built 2005 and installed west end of potting bench.

Rustic Log Bench
Cut in 2006 and placed under the cedar tree.

Bird Bath
in Hosta Bed

The Knodel Bird House

Garden Sculpture

Installed 2005 in fern bed
next to garage.

remote_hydrant.jpg (218834 bytes)Remote Hydrant
Installed 2005 with materials already on hand, this remote hydrant is placed in a spot just behind the garage.  A garden hose connects the post with the main water source at the house.  An other hose is connected to a simple value hydrant that is mounted on the post.  This allows us to control water pressure from this remote location without walking to the house faucet to make all those minor sprinkler adjustments.  (Some day we hope to install a real outdoor water hydrant -- but for now this works great.) 

Drop-off Mailbox
Sometimes, friends need to drop off papers or other things at the house when we are not home.  The mailbox in the back yard next to the garage door serves as a perfect drop-off point. Just be sure to raise the flag so we know something is in the box.

Other Ideas

Chalice Well Garden

Glastonbury England

Garden Benches

© Copyright Nathan Krämer 2010